ekdosis for the Impatient

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Work in progress, thank you for your patience.

Getting started with ekdosis is very easy as demonstrated by the “Peter/John” example provided on the home page. However, as typesetting complex critical editions can lead to much difficulty, ekdosis.org will make available to the editors documents that will allow them to train progressively, such as a Quickstart Guide and a full set of documents tailored to most of the possible layouts, arranged with regard to their level of intricacy.

Unless otherwise stated, documents/pages/images on this website/repository are released under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, either version 1.3 or any later version as published by the Free Software Foundation, with no Invariant Sections, no Back Cover Texts and no Front Cover Texts. View the license here: fdl-1.3.html


Author: Robert Alessi

Created: 2024-12-09 Mon 08:24
