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- Robert Alessi
Git | CTAN | ORCID | Working Papers and Recent Publications
– Typesetting TEI-xml compliant Critical Editions, published
under the terms of the so-called OpenBSD license as it is modelled
after the ISC copyright. It is written by Robert Alessi.
As a research fellow, Robert Alessi holds an academic position at the French CNRS Joint Research Unit “Orient & Méditerranée” (UMR 8167, Paris, France). His research concentrates on the edition of Greek and Arabic medical texts, on the history of medicine, but also on computing applied to classical studies.
- Literature about
was first presented at the “Workshop on Digital Humanities to Preserve Knowledge and Cultural Heritage” (Stanford University, Apr. 2019).
Programme | Slides | Published journal article: R. Alessi, “ekdosis: Using LuaLATEX for Producing TEI xml Compliant Critical Editions and Highlighting Parallel Writings”, Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, Nov. 14, 2020.
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