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ekdosis Stable

The latest version is ekdosis v1.4, released on November 21, 2021. As any other standard LATEX package, ekdosis is best installed through the package manager provided by the *TEX distribution used, either TeXLive, MacTeX or MiKTeX. Whatever the preferred distribution, it is highly recommended to install everything, that is what is technically called the scheme-full.1 This will also install the latest stable version of ekdosis.

ekdosis Development Version

The purpose here is not as much as about trying out ekdosis as it is about taking advantage of the latest features it provides. As the development progresses, one can find out what these features are by referring to the checked boxes on the dedicated page.

The development version is that used by the author for his own work. It is quite reliable. Read the full documentation here.

To install this version, provided that any of the *TEX distributions mentioned above is already installed, proceed as follows:—

  1. Download the archive of ekdosis-master by following this link and extract it. This will create a new directory named ekdosis-master/.
  2. From this directory, run latex ekdosis.ins to produce the ekdosis.sty and ekdosis.lua files.
  3. To finish the installation, follow either of these options:
    1. Move ekdosis.sty and ekdosis.lua into a directory where LATEX can find them. See the FAQ on texfaq.org at https://texfaq.org/FAQ-inst-wlcf for more on this.2
    2. Alternatively, these two files can be copied into the same directory as the .tex source files to be compiled with the development version, which will then take precedence over the stable version provided by the installed *TEX distribution.

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MiKTeX calls this the “total-miktex”.


A good candidate location is tex/lualatex/ekdosis/ inside the “home” TEXMF tree.

Author: Robert Alessi

Created: 2025-01-08 Wed 16:42
